
Innovazione tecnologica

O.M.P. Piccinelli utilizza macchinari all'avanguardia, che le permettono di soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza della clientela nel campo delle lavorazioni meccaniche di precisione.

Il parco macchine viene costantemente rinnovato ed adeguato alle esigenze dei clienti e alle nuove tecnologie disponibili nel settore.

Il parco macchine è costituito da:

Q.ty Description Type Capacity
1 CNC Universal Cylindrical Grinding Machines (External) TACCHELLA A 160 Grinding diameter max 120 mm- Length= max 1.000 mm
1 CNC Universal Cylindrical Grinding Machines (External) MORARA E 1000 Grinding diameter max 80 mm – Length= 1.000 mm
2 CNC Multi Level Center FAMAR Tandem 315 Turning, drilling, milling internal and external grinding and hobbing Max diameter 250 x 240 (length)
1 CNC Universal Cylindrical Grinding Machines (External and Internal). STUDER S 35 Grinding diameter 100 mm – Length= 800 mm
8 Vertical lathes with automation integrated into one machine with marposs. FAMAR PRONTO 5 and PRONTO 6 Turning diameter max 140 mm
2 Vertical lathes with automation integrated into one machine with marposs. FAMAR ERGO 400 Turning diameter max 500 mm
3 Turning Island horizontal lathes with Robot Fanuc OKUMA LB300-MC Turning diameter max 400 mm Length= 800 mm
1 Turning Island horizontal lathes with Robot Fanuc OKUMA LB300-EX MY1000 Turning diameter max 400 mm Length= 500 mm
1 Production Island with nr. 2 Monforts RNC 5 nr. 1 Horizontal Machining Centers Okuma and nr. 1 Robot Fanuc MONFORTS RNC 5 and OKUMA MA 60 HB Turning diameter max 400 mm Length= 800 mm
1 Horizontal lathes 2 Axis PUMA 3000 MC Turning diameter max 400 mm Length= 1.000 mm
1 Horizontal lathes with 4 Axis MORY SEIKI ZL 45 Turning diameter max 600 mm Length= 1.500 mm
1 Horizontal lathes with 2 Axis MORY SEIKI SL 25 Turning diameter max 300 mm Length= 1.000 mm
2 Horizontal lathes with 4 Axis
MORY SEIKI ZL 25 Turning diameter max 300 mm Length= 800 mm
1 Horizontal lathes with 2 Axis MONFORTS RNC 5 Turning diameter max 400 mm Length= 800 mm
1 Horizontal lathes with 4 Axis MONFORTS VNC 1004 Turning diameter max 400 mm Length= 800 mm
1 Horizontal lathes with 2 Axis FISCHER ORMT 59 Turning diameter max 400 mm Length= 800 mm
2 Horizontal Machining Centers MORY SEIKI SH 630 Pallet working 800 x 800 x 800
1 Horizontal Machining Centers MORY SEIKI SH 500 Pallet working 600 x 600 x 600
2 Horizontal Machining Centers OKK HM 50 Pallet working 600 x 600 x 600
2 Vertical Machining Centers PFG CLV 1000 Pallet working 500 x 500 x 500
2 Induction hardening INDUCTION KOSS 1.000 kW Induction diameter Max 150
1 Induction hardening SAET 3K5Q Induction diameter Max 80
2 Rolling machine ORT 3000U Rolling diameter max M 80
3 Automatic bandsaw, hydraulically driven RIBONI Cutting diameter max 400 mm
1 Coordinate measuring machines from Hexagon Metrology DEA GLOBAL